As experts in the Design Build and Integrated Project Delivery methods, we team with the best to deliver quality service. The collaboration of the various experts working as one makes our system your best value.
- IPG Project Spotlight
Watha T. Daniel Shaw is a three-story facility that is approximately 20,000 square feet and will provide inviting spaces for services to adults, young adults and children, as well as multiple meeting spaces for community use. The library will have at least 30 public access computers, including a mobile laptop cart that can be used for computer literacy training classes.
Latest News
Jan 25, 2010
Jorge A. Briones, Jr. passed the LEED Green Associate exam and is now a LEED GA.
Mar 3, 2010
Jorge A. Briones, Jr. passed the LEED AP BD+C exam and is now a LEED AP BD+C.
Mar 3, 2010
Jorge A. Briones, Jr. has been approved and is now a member of the Swampscott Rotary.
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